2013年6月13日 星期四

2013 Global Water Dance國際水舞蹈節來囉!!!



11:00舞動水樂園 7樓「聽水的故事」特展

14:00臺灣水之舞 1樓半戶外廣場

14:45水水快閃 1樓半戶外廣場集合

15:30瓶水相爭 7樓「聽水的故事」特展

Love the earth with our bodies?
Global Water Festival was planned on 2011. It was launched with dancers from U.K. and U.S.. On the day of Global Water Festival, a 24-hour series of dances around the globe will be danced, centered around water issues world-widely with more than 60 countries participating in. The aim is to call for international awareness towards safe water and its related issues. Taiwan participated in Global Water Festival since 2011 with our local dance company "Dancecology" . The company also held a "Solo Water Festival" in 2012 to focus on the local water issues. 2013, "Dancecology" collaborates with National Taiwan Science Education Center to have a grander celebration lasting all day. We would love to invite you to come to the party, enjoy the dance performance regarding water issues, and dance with us!

Enjoy the exhibition "Listening to the Story of Water" free of charge with your "droplet cool card" (free entrance for one person per card). The cards will be released on June, 04. by National Taiwan Science Education Center.


11:00 Dance of Water Paradise
Place: 7th floor, "Listening to the Story of Water" Exhibition

Have a tour at the exhibition consisted of dance.

14:00 Water Dance of Taiwan
Place: The plaza at the front gate

The dance performance illustrates the process on the pollution of the Plum Tree Creek, the tributary of Tamshui River.

14:45 Flashmob of Water
Place: The plaza at the front gate

Join the "Flashmob of Water" with us and share our concerns on the reservation of water with the world.

15:30 Battle of PET Bottles and Eco-cups
Place:7th floor, "Listening to the Story of Water" Exhibition

Featureing our Special Guest "Greenwave Dance Theatre", the dance performance demonstrates the environmental-friendly drinking habit.

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